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Highlight: The best breakfast and meal replacement

Dairy Free

Preservative Free

100% Vegan

GMP Certified

Food Safety Award

2000 Food Tests


30 packages/box


Powdered beverage

Flavours: Original and Caramel Banana


  • Soy

  • Psyllium husk

  • Banana

  • Veggies: broccoli, spinach, snow pea, leaf lettuce, radish leaf, asparagus, kale, green bell pepper, mustard greens, romaine lettuce


Psyllium Husk


The king of fiber, 100g of psyllium husk consist of 78g of dietary fiber; Fiber makes us feel full, prevent the body from absorbing fat, cholesterol, and calories; Fiber is also good for detox.

Soy Bean


High in plant protein to build muscle in order to burn more calories; Low GI and calories food; Low purine, will not cause urine acid problem. Soy is also rich in calcium and isoflavones.

SoyGreen Ingredients


High in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

SoyGreen FAQ

Q1) How does protein aid weight control?

A: Most people wishing to control their weight will choose low-calorie foods. Studies show that, when on a low-calorie diet, it is very important to eat enough protein to prevent muscle loss. Even when not exercising, muscles burn more calories than fats do. The more muscle present, the higher the metabolism rate. A low-calorie diet without enough protein to build or maintain muscle will leave the body without enough muscles to burn calories. Compared with animal protein, soy protein is lower in fat and calories.


Q2) What scientific research is there on soy?

A: According to Nutrition Data (, soy has around twice the amount of protein in meat, three times the protein in eggs, and 12 times the protein in milk by weight. Research shows that soy does not contain cholesterol, and when combined with a healthy diet and exercise, soy can help to lower “bad” cholesterol levels.


Q3) Are plant proteins more beneficial to health than animal proteins?

A: Plant proteins provide the body with essential nutrients but with less fat and fewer calories.


Q4) What scientific research is there on fiber?

A: Fiber can be soluble or insoluble. Research shows that a balanced intake of soluble and insoluble fiber can promote bowel movement. The Mayo Clinic in the U.S. pointed out that fiber can prolong feelings of satiety in the human body, which helps curb appetite and reduce calorie intake.

Global Delivery

Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, United Kingdom, USA and Vietnam.

The information on this site is designed for informational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. EEx-Life will not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on information obtained through the EEx-Life website or services.

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