Highlight: The best food for the immune system
Dairy Free
Preservative Free
100% Vegan
GMP Certified
Food Safety Award
2000 Food Tests
5 packages/box
Liquid beverage
American Ginseng

The king of plants, more than ten thousand types of phytochemicals (about 100 times more than an orange) and rich in polysaccharides to enhance the immune system.
Rhapsody FAQ
Q1) What are the differences between cactus and aloe vera?
Although aloe vera resembles cactus, the former is actually a member of the lily family, while cactus is closely related to the rose plant. Aloe vera grows quickly, taking just eight months to mature, while cactus takes many years. Aloe vera is said to be native to North Africa, while cactus is native to the American continents. Aloe vera is darker and has long, flat leaves, while cactus is usually lighter colored with fleshy and swollen stems.
Q2) What does cactus taste like?
Cactus has a soft but crunchy texture that becomes sticky, similar to okra, when cooked. It has a mild and unique flavor that is similar to a slightly tart green bean, asparagus, or bell peppers.
Q3) What is American ginseng?
American ginseng, also called Panax quinquefolius, is a close relative of Korean ginseng. Belonging to the Araliaceae family, it is a perennial herb with dark green leaves and clusters of red berries. It is found in the wild in eastern North America, and its roots are used medicinally, particularly in China. Today, most of the American ginseng on the market are cultivated.